Facial Dysmorphia In The Digital Age

Facial Dysmorphia In The Digital Age

KFTS Bloggers

By Sheena

Facial Dysmorphia in the Digital Age

We are living in the digital era, where the appeal of social media tempts you with its irresistible charm. It has become increasingly difficult to not get lost in the distorted reality it creates.

There is a continuous inflow of flawless images in our feed showcasing beautiful and perfect faces like never before. After an hour or more of mindless scrolling through a social media platform, a sense of discontentment often arises which can fuel a negative body image. The next time you look in the mirror, your eyes magnify and focus on the flaws, making them seem like defects in your head. The result is that you get stuck in a loop of criticism and comparison which can affect your mental health.

Sometimes, it’s the question of why we can’t be those spotless influencers posing on Instagram. At other times, it’s the question of why you can’t look like your photoshopped version. 

Thus, a harsher reality hides beneath the filters and glossy facade: the rise of facial dysmorphia. 

How can Social Media trigger Facial Dysmorphia?

Social media is known to exacerbate facial dysmorphia and we will try to explain how it can contribute to perpetuating negative body image.

So here's the thing: social media is like this place where everyone has a perfect selfie. But is this actually the case? The images you see have undergone extensive editing, filtering and curation to highlight only the ideal bodies. We are on our way to ‘Insecurity Town’ when we repeatedly compare ourselves to these flawless profiles. 

Filters and photo editing apps have become so advanced that they can make us forget how we actually look. Additionally, we all start playing the comparison game, seeking validation through likes and comments and feel worse about our bodies as a result. It's time to escape this virtual snare and stop believing those impossible beauty standards.

The ability of social media to affect our mental health should not be underestimated, despite the fact that it is not intrinsically bad. By understanding how it may trigger facial dysmorphia, we can take measures to protect our mental well-being and try to establish a positive relationship with our bodies.

Tips to Protect Your Mental Well-being in a Digital Era

We will discuss some practical strategies to protect your mental well-being especially if you are suffering from facial dysmorphia in this digital era.

1. Awareness is the First Step

Knowing how social media affects facial dysmorphia is the first step in safeguarding your mental health. Be aware that the pictures you see on social media are frequently expertly edited and what you see as a perfect face is actually a distorted and unreachable standard of beauty.

2. Restrict Your Use of Social Media

Even though social media can be enjoyable and educational, it's important to establish limits and restrict your screen time. Your perspective of reality may be influenced by repeated exposure to idealised representations. Set specific times to use social media and give time to things that are beneficial for your mental health such as meditation, yoga or anything you enjoy that helps you to connect with your body.

3. Filter Your Feed

Take control of what you see on the social media platform you use by following body-positive influencers such as Dolly Singh, Harnaam Kaur, Diksha Singhi or anyone you resonate with. Also, unfollow anyone who promotes unrealistic beauty standards. Create a safe space for yourself by carefully curating your feed and monitoring your social media consumption.

4. Make Connections in the Real World

Don't rely just on social media to help build connections in your life. Make connections offline by spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and engaging in activities that make you happy. Your self-esteem can be boosted by real-world interactions and experiences, which can also give you a more positive view of beauty.

5. Digital Detox is the Key

Take frequent breaks from social media. Your Instagram account will go nowhere if you keep it logged off for a couple of days. Use the time, you used to consume social media content, in doing mindfulness practices such as journaling and meditation. This will help regain a sense of inner balance amidst the digital noise.

6. Challenge Comparisons and Negative Self Talk

It is common to compare yourself to others and start having negative thoughts about your appearance. One way to combat these comparisons and destructive self-talk is to engage in mindfulness, which is being in the present moment and objectively examining your thoughts. Try not to retain your negative thoughts when they come to mind and let them go. Spending scheduled time offline and "cleaning out" social media feeds to only contain accounts that support body acceptance and diversity are further ways to challenge comparisons.


It's important to note that facial dysmorphia is not just about vanity or being obsessed with how one looks. It is a complex psychological condition that can affect individuals from all walks of life. Social media not only acts as a potential trigger of facial dysmorphia but also worsens the symptoms in the ones having this condition.

However, social media is not all bad if we ensure that we are feeding ourselves the right content. There is a need to block and filter out media that promotes unrealistic expectations of what is beautiful in our minds. Consuming content on social media which highlights a healthy body image can help us to embark on a path of healing from facial dysmorphia.


to know more about Facial Dysmorphia click here

to know how to cope up with Facial Dysmorphia read here

#FacialDysmorphia #DigitalAge #SocialMediaInfluence #NegativeBodyImage #TriggerDigitalInfluence #NegativeInfluence #DistortedReality







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