Why Some Women Have More Body Hair Than Others
By Sheena
Why Some Women Have More Body Hair Than Others
Is the razor your best pal? Do you spend your weekends plucking and shaving body hair from various body parts?
If you fall on the hairier side of the spectrum, you might occasionally question why you have more body hair than others. It is natural to find yourself comparing your body hair to that one hairless friend of yours who has never gone for a waxing appointment and wonder what makes you different.
Reasons Why Some People Have More Body Hair
Here are some of the reasons which influence the amount of body hair you have:
If you are hairy, you can blame it on your genes. Your genetic makeup is the primary determinant which influences the amount of body hair you have. Additionally, they decide their distribution as well as their thickness. This shows that the genes you inherited might be the reason behind your hairiness.
Your hormones highly influence body hair. These hormones, known as androgens (especially testosterone), stimulate hair growth in different parts of your body such as the chest and pubic region. So, the more testosterone you have, the more hair growth you might see in your body.
Sometimes, individuals who are assigned female at birth have excessive hair growth due to certain hormonal imbalances. PCOS is one such condition where the androgens are produced by the body in excess. This stimulates the growth of hair in places where it is not typically seen in females.
Different ethnic backgrounds show variations in body hair patterns. For instance, some people of South Asian and Indian origin tend to have more body hair. Thus, you might just belong to an ethnic group that has more body hair evolutionarily.
During adolescence, new hair appears suddenly and in unexpected places. However, as we become older, our hair growth tends to slow down. For example, menopause-related hormonal changes might make hair thinner or sparser.
To an extent, hair growth can be affected by your lifestyle. The hair growth cycle is seen to be affected by chronic stress or even the type of food you eat. It has been reported that eating refined carbohydrates can cause excessive body hair. Certain medications like antidepressants can affect hormonal levels in your body and thus influence hair growth patterns too.
There is Nothing Wrong in Being Hairy
Overall, body hair is a highly individualistic trait controlled by a combination of genetics, hormones and several other factors. However, it is the genes you inherit and hormones that take center stage and mainly decide the amount of body hair you have.
Remember that body hair is nothing to be ashamed of. It is totally your choice to keep them or shave them off. Whatever you choose, know that your body is worth it to be celebrated with or without hair.
to know more about body hair and gender read here
to know more about facial hair and gender read here
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