9 Ways to Support Your Loved Ones With Body Dysmorphia

9 Ways to Support Your Loved Ones With Body Dysmorphia

KFTS Bloggers

By Sheena

9 Ways to Support Your Loved Ones With Body Dysmorphia

It is not easy to sit back and watch a loved one obsessing over some perceived flaw day by day. It is difficult to see them spiraling down in a battle between their mind and body.

You may wonder how you may help and get them some relief from this condition. So, today we will be diving into a crucial topic that will help you support your loved ones who are struggling with body dysmorphia. 

First of all, you need to understand that they are on a challenging path, and you, as their support system, play a significant role in fostering their mental health and well-being. So, let's look at a few helpful pointers that might help you to assist them in their path to recovery from body dysmorphia.

Practical Tips and Tricks to Support Your Loved Ones with Body Dysmorphia

  1. Understand What Body Dysmorphia Actually Is

The first and foremost thing you should do is to understand what body dysmorphia or body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) actually is. Learn about its symptoms, causes and how it can be treated. The more you know, the better will be your assistance in supporting them through their journey in healing from BDD. 

  1. Become an Active Listener

Sometimes, all a person with BDD needs is someone who can actively listen to them. Give them your undivided attention and do not interrupt them with unsolicited advice. Try to create a safe space for them which is free from any kind of judgement. This will help them to share their thoughts and emotions and the struggle they are experiencing as a result of BDD.

  1. Encourage Professional Help

Although you cannot force anyone to seek professional help, you should try to explain how beneficial therapy or a counselling session can be for them. If they agree to book a session with a mental health professional, you can offer to accompany them if they are comfortable.

  1. Avoid Saying Anything that might Trigger Them

You should avoid doing the following:

  • Telling them that they are vain or obsessed with themself
  • Dismissing their feelings by saying “It’s all in your head”
  •  Arguing with them on beauty standards or their appearance
  1. Support them wherever you can

Give them concrete assistance as they pursue their healing journey.

Here are some ways to do that:

  •  Accompany them to therapy sessions or support groups that reinforce self-acceptance and self-esteem.
  •  Encourage them to do things they enjoy.
  • Participate with them in activities that promote overall well-being such as yoga or meditation.
  1. Engage in self-care practices with them

By participating in self-care activities with your loved ones, you can show your support and create moments of joy and rejuvenation. 

Here are some of the self-care activities you can do with them:

  • Go on a nature walk
  • A yoga session or meditation in your favourite spot
  • Plan a spa day at home or watch a movie together
  1. Discourage Reassurance Seeking Behaviour's

When it comes to comforting our loved ones, we have the best of intentions. However, avoid falling into the reassurance-seeking trap. Don’t keep telling them that they look amazing or that their perceived flaws are nothing to worry about. This will make them dependent on external validation to feel good about their bodies. Instead, encourage open communication and remind them of their unique attributes that extend beyond their physical appearance.

  1. Engage in Body Positivity Discussions

Discuss with them how beauty comes in all shapes and forms and is not limited to just one glorified body type. You can share stories of inspiring people who have embraced their bodies and fought against narrow notions of beauty. By having these discussions, you can help them shift their perspective and promote body positivity.

  1. Seek Support for Yourself

Supporting someone with body dysmorphia can be emotionally challenging. Take care of your well-being by reaching out to your family, friends or a therapist. Remember to take care of your mental health. By caring for yourself, you will be better equipped to support your loved ones.

Remember that while your efforts may not give an instant fix, you can assist in their healing process with patience and empathy. Tell your friends that they are beautiful the way they are. Your support is valuable!

to know more about Ways to Be an Effective Ally to Someone Suffering Mentally read here


to know more about Family Relationships and their Impact on Emotional Well-being read here







Tags: #mentalhealth #suffering #bodydysmorphia #support #emotionalsupport #caring #takingcareoflovedones

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