10 Tips to Reduce Feelings of Loneliness

10 Tips to Reduce Feelings of Loneliness

By Niyati

 10 Tips to Reduce Feelings of Loneliness

Loneliness is and always has been a central and inevitable experience of each human. It strikes us as a very ironic notion that despite being inter-connected via the internet, some of us are still socially isolated and feel lonely. The state of loneliness can be extremely detrimental to anyone’s health. Extended periods of loneliness are associated with depression, anxiety, and declining cognitive functioning. 

10 of the best methods to help you overcome loneliness:

1. Limit social media usage:

It is easier said than done to decrease or limit one's use of social media. From jobs to miscellaneous activities, we are heavily dependent on the internet; this makes it difficult to completely give up on social media. Studies have revealed that people who gave up social media for a fortnight reported visibly relaxed lifestyles. So, go ahead and adopt a social media detox!

2. Improve your everyday self-care routines:

Improving your basic self-care practises is quite fruitful for people suffering from loneliness. It is essential to keep a check on your diet. Vegetables and fruits help to produce hormones that make you joyful. Try to go to bed and wake up at a similar time every day, and keep yourself active as frequently as possible. Additionally, taking a brief walk is beneficial.

3. Adopt a furry friend:

Researchers discover some evidence that new dog owners report a reduction in loneliness. Pets alleviate emotions of isolation and loneliness by being loving, devoted, and trustworthy. Adopting a pet from a local shelter can be a catalyst for breaking down the emotions of loneliness in one’s life.

4. Revamp your surroundings:

If you are feeling alone, you must consider altering your environment. Arrange an effort to meet new people and arrange plans with those you already know. Begin by stepping outside of your comfort zone every day. Join a group, visit a museum, or attend a lecture. You may also utilise your time by volunteering at a place of your interest. Remember to be deliberate in implementing your change.

5. Expressing your emotions eloquently:

While being in a state of loneliness, we may feel a wide variety of negative emotions. These unpleasant feelings might take control of our actions and lead to anxiety. It is better to write down our emotions in a journal. Similarly, one could talk about their feelings with people they trust.

6. Keep up with your kin:

Spending time with your family and friends could be beneficial. It also helps in easing feelings of loneliness. You can visit them and catch up with your lives or connect with them through the internet like video calls. It has been found that seeing the faces of your kin helps in reducing depression and anxiety as well.

7. Get your muscles going:

Many people have found peace in exercising which aided them to combat unpleasant feelings and worry. Exercise has been shown to benefit both mental and physical health, promote emotions of peace, and allow us to feel more energised and linked to our community and interpersonal connections.

8. Participate in Fun Group Activities: 

If you are feeling lonely, you must try to engage yourself in new hobbies and interests. Consider focusing on the activities that offer you joy in your life. Joining a club or participating in activities that you like will make you feel less lonely and provide you with something to look forward to. It may also be a terrific method to meet new people. Alternatively, you can take up hobbies like dancing, swimming, joining reading clubs, gardening, crocheting, knitting, learning to play a musical instrument and so much more.

9. Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness may help your mind and body feel more connected, reduce stress, and alter your viewpoint toward self-compassion. Filling your mind with pleasant ideas and optimism by cleansing your mind, might help you feel less lonely.  By attempting to concentrate on your breathing, you can relax your muscles. Altogether, this helps in achieving a positive outlook.

10. Spread Kindness:

Devise a strategy to brighten someone else's day, surprisingly, you will lighten your day as well. Check up with neighbours or acquaintances who may be surprised and pleased to hear from you. If you have money to spare, consider donating to a food bank or supporting an NGO. 

To know more about How to Reach Out to Loved Ones When You're Feeling Lonely read here

To know more about Coping Mechanisms for Dealing with Loneliness read here

#MentalHealth #Loneliness #Alone #Sadness #ImpactOnMentalHealth #Depression #Anxious #Stressed #SelfEsteemIssues


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