My Experience with Self-Doubt

My Experience with Self-Doubt

By Niyati

My Experience with Self-Doubt

Mental Health Awareness is a theme close and near to my heart. I am a firm believer that the mental health of a person is ultimately responsible for maintaining sanity and balance. As a child, sometimes I could feel that I wasn't as efficient as other people my age. I am an overachiever, which resulted in bouts of lingering self-doubt. This self-doubt cultivated anxiety in me. In the past, I faced periods when I would spend time in my room just lying in the dark. Intense nervousness before a big event, trembling hands, nausea, and other symptoms I experienced took me to a dark place. All I wanted was to be in solace, away from any interference. 

On some self-assessment,  I realized that this was degrading my personality. Thus I wanted to overcome this situation as soon as possible. Talking to people I trusted and jotting down my feelings was therapeutic and did wonders for me. Another huge aspect of overcoming anxiety was opting for music therapy. Music proved to be such a savior for me. After indulging in music, I started feeling calm despite any chaos that came ahead. The lesson I got out of this experience was that I am my own competition. I should not be frightened by challenges, but rather embrace them to become a better version of myself.

Later on, I started studying psychology as a subject, which helped me by providing me with ways to validate my emotions. The older I grew, the more I understood that the phenomenon of mental health is paramount. It is quintessential to support this cause. Furthermore, I will always do my best to raise awareness and assist others struggling with mental health.

To know more about My Experience with Skinny Shaming read here

To know more about My Experience with Body Shaming read here

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